Data and Analysis

General Sources of Data

There is a treasure trove of climate data available, but, be that as it may, the sources frequently move around as universities, businesses, and the government rearrange their websites. At this moment, in 2014 (and following), I can recommend the following, as having provided useful datasets or links to same in the past:

Data Files

"Climate Indices" (from NOAA)

Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns — didn't even know these PCA-based patterns exist!


Solar transmissivity

Solar Activity

  • Sunspot data, from the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC), Royal Observatory of Belgium

Land and Atmosphere





Stratospheric Optical Thickness



Sea Level




Southern Oscillation

North Atlantic Oscillation


The IPCC took heat from the denial-scape once, in part because of the use of the word "trick". It has a certain connotation in mathematical circles (as a "pre-method"), but was emphasized by the denial-scape to take advantage of its more colloquial use as subterfuge, something devious. Words matter!

So does analysis, of course: real data, and real analysis of that data. The data, properly analyzed, suggests that we're in trouble, and that we ought to be doing something very serious to prevent problems today (and into the future). Too long has climate change been characterized as a problem for future generations. The impacts are being felt today, in particular areas like agriculture, suffering droughts and heat, and in sea-side communities suffering from sea-level rise.


Ideas for Analysis

Data Management

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